Ready, set, take action.
Competitive intelligence for eCommerce

Win more business, stay ahead of competitors and boost eCommerce growth

Trusted by today’s leading global consumer and digital brands

Noogata guides your journey to eCommerce success From data to decision making

Monitor eCommerce Data
Real-time automated monitoring collects competitive data from across the eCommerce landscape
Discover Competitive Insights
Powerful AI models generate recommendations and insights that keep you ahead of competitors
Actionize and Unlock Growth
Action-focused dashboards make it easy to optimize products, boost performance, and take action on your channels.
Everything you need to take action
Enable your teams to make tactical and strategic decisions with competitive intelligence built for growing eCommerce brands
  • Discover competing brands and monitor market share
  • Track paid and organic exposure down to the individual SKU level
  • Uncover key search trends and categories that drive conversion
Digital Shelf
  • Zoom into emerging search trends for your products and categories
  • Highlight your share of ownership for paid vs organic search
  • Capitalize on search trend opportunities ahead of competitors
Search Trendspotting
  • Optimize product content with recommendations that drive organic conversion and increased visibility
  • Content scoring lets you easily identify weak performing product content and new opportunities for impact
  • Rapidly generate titles and descriptions for newly launched products at scale
Perfect Content
  • Launch new product ads quickly and at scale
  • Boost exposure and sales while protecting your ACoS
  • Amplify and boost results on your Amazon digital shelf

Our Results Say It All

Customers experienced over 30% uplift in sales with price optimizations
We amplify and boost digital shelf visibility for 10,000+ global products
Brands increased MoM product engagement by 25% using optimized product content
Global CPG brands reduced ad spend by 15% while maintaining their leading position
“Our ability to create such granular insights has dramatically increased our ROI—in fact, we’ve seen over a 30% uplift. And without Noogata, it would be way too time intensive to do this type of targeting.”
Chassy Kirzner
Amazon Manager at Focus Camera