Boost category growth and outperform competitors

Boost ROI and ad performance with our Ad Booster tool and dominate in your product categories.

Trusted by today’s leading global consumer and digital brands

Launch new product ads quickly and at scale
  • Protect your budget with smarter campaigns instead of relying on automatic Amazon campaigns
  • View the most important keywords driving traffic to newly launched products
  • Identity the products you should be advertising on for your brand
Boost exposure and sales while protecting your ACoS
  • Discover high-performance keywords and ASINs to target and expand ad reach
  • Eliminate poor performing keywords negatively impacting your results
  • Optimize bids for keywords with a high-performing ROAS score
Get more value across the digital shelf
  • Get a detailed and insightful view into all Amazon ad historical data
  • Simplified, automated and real-time data collection
  • Amplify and boost results on your Amazon digital shelf

Forget dashboards! Grow with AI.


Generated over $250M sales for CPGs and digital brands


Launched 250,000+ high-performing products on Amazon


AI reduces data analysis and insight discovery time by 85%


Boost ad performance by 30% with high performance prediction