
Is your data analytics solution full of hot air? Try Noogata’s AI for Amazon.

Stress free insights and intelligence platform enabling collaboration, strategic action, AI assistance and scalable growth for Amazon businesses that want to win more sales.

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Trusted by today’s leading global consumer and digital brands

We help answer ecommerce business questions other solutions don’t even know to ask.

Speak with a Noogata eCommerce expert to help answer
your Amazon business questions and grow revenue

for your brand.

Why Noogata?

The items included below highlights a preview of key features, tools and offerings from Noogata vs Helium10 for Amazon eCommerce.

Artificial Intelligence
Noogata’s is powered by AI and machine-learning, integrated into the platforms tools and features
Listing Builder powered by AI
Offers sales opportunities and insight alerts delivered daily
Up to 300 ASINs
Multi-Brand Support
Sales Insights & Estimation
Digital Shelf Intelligence
Inventory Management
Coming Soon
Price Pack Architecture
AI-powered PPA and assortment intelligence
Team Collaboration Tools
Reporting Solutions
Seller and Vendor Central
Support for both Seller and Vendor Central for 1 account
Up to 2 Seller Central accounts
Multi-User Sign In
1 user per account only
Dedicated Support & Training

Noogata advantages over JungleScout

Growth-Focused Insights

Amazon Sellers, brands and CPGs, are always looking for innovative ways to scale and accelerate their sales growth, but are hindered by complex and time consuming manual processes. Noogata’s AI scans and monitors Amazon daily to deliver timely, growth-focused insights, eliminating the need to manually hunt for opportunities and combing through data-heavy spreadsheets. 

Need to know which competitors are taking up market share? Want to be alerted when threats reach a certain threshold? Noogata’s AI is your ecommerce assistant dedicated to delivering insights that drive impact fast for your brand. Now teams can protect revenue, measure sales fluctuations, determine root causes of loss, and capitalize on new lucrative revenue opportunities.

Viewable Impression Metrics

Curious about your product’s visibility on Amazon? Noogata partners with Amazon sellers and major enterprise clients generating over 250M in annual sales on the platform. Unlike vague rankings or impression numbers, our AI-powered metrics provide precise intelligence into how many eyes are on your products, and those of your competitors.

By meticulously scanning Amazon search results, analyzing scroll depth, and calculating daily search volumes, our Viewable Impression metric reveals the true visibility of each product, distinguishing between organic and paid views. Ultimately, this results in a clearer picture of your Amazon performance, while our AI locates new lucrative opportunities to extract even more ROI from your data.

Amazon Sales Estimation

While having a Viewable Impression metric is important to our customers, many still want a view into their sales data. The Noogata platform analyzes sales data to find your champion ASINS, view product performance across categories, and helps our AI offer customers growth-focused insights that help accelerate sales velocity for your brand of products. 

Our AI analyzes the Amazon Marketplace to correlate historical data, Best Seller Rank (BSR) and product categories or departments to calculate weekly or monthly sales volume, with a 90% rate of data accuracy. This offers our customers a granular view of product performance, units sold, net revenue and quickly zoom into child-level ASINs. By understanding your product sales performance, teams can now tactically strategize a plan of action.

Advanced Competitor Comparisons

When our customers have moved on from reviewing their own brand data or insights, they often want to view or compare against their competitors’ performance. Typically, this is a manual process and many other available solutions still lack the necessary tools to monitor competitors effectively. Noogata’s AI tracks and monitors competitors, reverse engineering their strategies and delivering intelligence on their digital shelf performance to gain visibility into the  products, and brands impacting your brand.

By analyzing your competitors in more detail, Noogata opens new opportunities for teams to build a tactical strategy aiming for competitors weaknesses, or adjusting budgets to capture more market share at the perfect moment.

Assortment Intelligence

Similar to Price Pack Architecture (PPA), this new tool is unique to Noogata and offers customers access to inventory-focused insights and opportunities. Assortment Intelligence and automated tagging streamlines product analysis by offering data granularity, feature extraction and price pack guidance for products in any specific Amazon category. 

We use data to understand customer behavior, competitive landscapes, and market trends, delivering additional insights that empower growth strategies, boosts organic sales, and amplifies market share. 

It makes it easy to create dedicated spaces to view competing products or extract specific features and unique attributes like color, size, weight, materials, and beyond. View your Amazon digital shelf to quickly slice and dice competitive space by specific  attributes.

See specific attributes and compare against competing products to determine market share potential. The possibilities are endless and gives teams even more ROI when extracting insights from Amazon data.