Assortment Intelligence for Your Amazon Product Data

Explore product details and attributes to discover key features driving product sales, and capitalize on opportunities with innovative product insights.
Trusted by today’s leading global consumer and digital brands

Noogata’s Assortment Intelligence

Noogata’s Assortment intelligence and planning streamlines assortment analysis by offering data granularity, feature extraction and price pack guidance for products in any Amazon category.

We use AI and LLM to understand customer behavior, competitive landscapes, product viability and market trends, delivering insights that empower growth strategies, boosts sales, and grow market share.

Product-Innovation Challenges for Brands

Launch products and analyze market demand to learn if it’s worth investing your time in

Learn how products assortments pricing affects your bottom-line

How are customers searching for and discovering your products

Understand how different product assortment mixes impact product visibility

Analyze assortment data to locate unused but lucrative new keywords

Building comprehensive Price Pack Architecture process for your brand

Competitive Spaces & Feature Extraction
  • AI-generated competitive spaces for tracking competing products and extracting product features or unique attributes 
  • Determine product viability in specific categories before launching new campaigns
  • Discover the product features and attributes driving customers to purchase your products
  • Understand consumer buying behaviors to make better informed decisions on how to package and sell your products
Assortment Planning & Strategy
  • Leverage competitive spaces and feature extraction to optimize inventory or budget planning and locate new growth opportunities
  • Select optimal keyword mixes to grow market share and even capture new audience
  • Filter your view of extracted features or attributes to visualize how customers are searching and buying products
  • Diversify your assortment to offer variety, capture more consumer demand and grow sales
Price Pack Architecture
  • Enrich and normalize product data at-scale for thousands of products ASINs
  • Cross-compare products, pack attributes and pricing across categories or competitors
  • Review the price segments for individual product groups to determine the ASINs driving ROI
  • Track sales volume and revenue impact for various product assortments or value packs