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Description All the essential tools to launch Noogata and improve digital shelf performance Start making an immediate impact with even more powerful tools A complete suite of tools for global eCommerce leaders seeking hyper-growth Complete suite of tools, features and AI modules with customizations for teams and growing brands
Product SKUS 0-100 ASIN's 101-1,001 ASIN's 1,001-5,000 ASIN’s Unlimited
Brands 1 1 3 10+
Accounts 1 (Seller or Vendor only) 2 (Seller / Vendor) 2 (Seller / Vendor) 2 (Seller / Vendor)
Modules Sales Assistant
Digital Shelf
Perfect Content
Ad Booster
Sales Assistant
Digital Shelf
Perfect Content
Ad Booster
+ Data/API Access
Sales Assistant
Digital Shelf
Perfect Content
Ad Booster
+ Data/API Access
Assortment Intelligence
Includes access to all of Noogata's current and upcoming AI modules
Addons +1 Brand
100$ per month
+1 Brand
100$ per month
+1 Brand
500$ per month
+1 Brand
500$ per month


All the essential tools to launch Noogata and improve digital shelf performance

Accounts 1 (Seller or Vendor only)
Addons +1 Brand
100$ per month
Modules Sales Assistant
Digital Shelf
Perfect Content
Ad Booster
Product SKUS 0-100 ASIN’s
Brands 1


Start making an immediate impact with even more powerful tools

Accounts 2 (Seller / Vendor)
Addons +1 Brand
100$ per month
Modules Sales Assistant
Digital Shelf
Perfect Content
Ad Booster
+ Data/Api Access
Product SKUS 101-1,001 ASIN’s
Brands 1


A complete suite of tools for global eCommerce leaders seeking hyper-growth

Accounts 2 (Seller / Vendor)
Addons +1 Brand
500$ per month
Modules Sales Assistant
Digital Shelf
Perfect Content
Ad Booster
+ Data/API Access
+ Assortment Intelligence
Product SKUS 1,001-5,000 ASIN’s
Brands 3


Complete suite of tools, features and AI modules with customizations for teams and growing brands

Accounts 2 (Seller / Vendor)
Addons +1 Brand
500$ per month
Modules Includes access to all of Noogata's current and upcoming AI modules
Product SKUS Unlimited
Brands 10+
Trusted by today’s leading global consumer and digital brands