Amazon Competitor Analysis: 9 Essential Steps for a Complete Report

Amazon Competitor Analysis: 9 Essential Steps for a Complete Report

When brainstorming business improvements, most Amazon sellers would rather think about their products and customers rather than the competitors trying to lure their customers away. Smart sellers know that Amazon competitor analysis is critical to survival and success in the fast-paced, constantly evolving marketplace. If you want to hold your own against the nearly two […]

Top Ten Helium 10 Alternatives

Top Ten Helium 10 Alternatives

Most Amazon merchants use third-party tools to manage eCommerce essentials like advertising, analytics, inventory management, and pricing. One of the more popular all-in-one solutions is Helium 10, known for its tools to facilitate business operations, make informed decisions, and boost sales on Amazon. However, it may not be a reliable path to success for all […]

The Seller’s Guide to Amazon Dynamic Pricing

The Seller's Guide to Amazon Dynamic Pricing

In eCommerce, you’re not always competing on a level playing field. Success can hinge on the placement of your products on the digital shelf—meaning, their visibility and attractiveness on eCommerce platforms. Some sellers are at the equivalent of eye level, and some might as well be down by the floor where nobody’s looking. Many factors […]

The Retailer’s Guide to Merchandise Financial Planning

The Retailer’s Guide to Merchandise Financial Planning

Anticipating consumer demand can feel like a never-ending race in eCommerce. Retailers constantly grapple with fluctuating customer preferences, fierce competition, and the complexities of multi-channel sales. The risks of excess stock of slow-moving items and costly stockouts of popular products compound these challenges. Traditional planning methods that rely on outdated tools and manual processes exacerbate […]

What Is Assortment Planning, and 8 Essentials Every Plan Must Have

What Is Assortment Planning, and 8 Essentials Every Plan Must Have

Imagine running an online store overflowing with products, yet sales are flatlining. You’ve tried everything, but customers aren’t buying, leaving you with unsold inventory and dwindling profits. This common scenario underscores a critical eCommerce issue: ineffective assortment planning. When your product mix doesn’t align with customer demand, it leads to lackluster sales and high inventory […]

Noogata’s Assortment Intelligence: AI-Driven Insights To Boost Amazon Success

Noogata’s Assortment Intelligence: AI-Driven Insights To Boost Amazon Success

In the fast-paced world of eCommerce, having the perfect product assortment is like finding a needle in a haystack. But what if I told you there’s a solution that can help you navigate this challenge with ease? Noogata’s Assortment Intelligence – an AI-powered tool, is here to revolutionize the way you approach your product mix. Benchmark Your Way to Success Imagine having the […]

Amazon Sales Down? 12 Actions to Take Right Now

Amazon Sales Down? 12 Actions to Take Right Now

Ecommerce on the Amazon marketplace is a rollercoaster, and there’s nothing worse for a third-party seller than seeing their Amazon sales down for a prolonged period. With so many factors at play, knowing what went wrong is challenging. Is the dip due to increased competition, optimization mistakes, changes to Amazon’s search algorithm—or something else entirely?  […]

An Insider’s Guide to Ecommerce Market Intelligence

An Insider’s Guide to Ecommerce Market Intelligence

Picture this: you’ve just launched a new online store selling trendy phone cases. You’ve invested heavily in a sleek design, unique products, and eye-catching marketing. But sales are trickling in. Customers are abandoning their carts, your ad campaigns aren’t converting, and the competition seems miles ahead. What went wrong? The answer could lie in missed […]

Top 14 Amazon Listing Optimizations

Top 14 Amazon Listing Optimizations

To sell successfully on Amazon, creating effective product listings is crucial. How you present your products greatly influences shoppers’ decisions to purchase—sometimes even more than the product quality itself. A great listing should be attractive, informative, and engaging. However, many sellers overlook essential elements like up-to-date keyword research and product videos. If every part of […]

Amazon Search Engine Placement Marketing: How to Rank for Amazon SEO

Amazon Search Engine Placement Marketing: How to Rank for Amazon SEO

Amazon offers many ways to browse and discover products, but let’s face it: most customers go straight to the search bar to tell Amazon what they’re looking for. When the product they want pops up on the first page of results, that’s a win-win for both the customer and the product seller. If you want […]