Top 12 Best Amazon Seller Tools

By Jaron Seijffers on January 04, 2024
Top 12 Best Amazon Seller Tools

Selling in the vast, competitive global Amazon marketplace has many challenges and opportunities. Success hinges not only on what product you sell, but how you sell it. The secret lies in finding a winning edge in efficiency and cost-effectiveness, two crucial elements often unlocked with the right Amazon seller tools.

Consider the competitive landscape: In the US marketplace alone, sellers move approximately 7400 products per minute, and in 2022, sold 4.1 billion products globally. That’s a lot of FBA packages—and it shows the importance of having tools that streamline your selling process, offering insights and leverage in a space where every advantage counts.

While Seller Central provides a foundation of helpful tools and analytics, top sellers and brands employ additional tools to enhance or replace their functionalities. 

What are Amazon Seller Tools?

Amazon seller tools are third-party software and online platforms tailored for merchants on Amazon. They’re designed to optimize and streamline various aspects of selling on this massive online platform. These tools cater to an array of seller needs, from inventory management and pricing strategies to keyword research for better product visibility.

The core function of these tools is to automate and simplify the complexities of selling on Amazon, and to provide data-driven insights that boost your sales and profits. This is crucial in a marketplace as competitive and fast-paced as Amazon, where staying ahead of the competition often depends on quick, informed decision-making.

Amazon seller tools are for any Amazon seller looking to improve their business efficiency, whether you’re a small startup or a large enterprise. They’re vital for those who want to scale their operations without getting bogged down by the tedious tasks of day-to-day management.

Amazon Third-party Seller Share

Types of Amazon Seller Tools

Here’s a breakdown of the primary types of Amazon Seller Tools, each designed to address specific aspects of selling on Amazon:

Analytics and Reporting Tools

Provide insights into sales performance, customer behavior, and critical metrics for informed decision-making and strategic planning.

Feedback and Review Management Tools 

Manage and respond to customer reviews to improve brand reputation and customer satisfaction.

Inventory Management Tools

Monitor stock levels, manage orders, forecast demand, and prevent stockouts and overstocking.

Marketing and Advertising Tools

Helps run Amazon PPC campaigns and manage external marketing efforts to boost product visibility and sales.

Pricing Tools

Monitor market prices and automatically adjust pricing based on predefined rules to stay competitive and profitable.

Product Research and Scouting Tools

Assist in finding profitable products, analyzing market trends, and evaluating competition for product line expansion.

SEO and Listing Optimization Tools

Optimize product titles, descriptions, and keywords to enhance visibility and ranking in Amazon search results.

Shipping and Fulfillment Tools

Streamline order fulfillment and shipping logistics, including integration with Amazon FBA.

Tax and Accounting Tools

Simplify financial management by tracking revenue, expenses, and taxes.

Benefits of Amazon Seller Tools

Amazon Seller Tools offer many benefits, including:

  • Improved Efficiency – Automates repetitive tasks, saving time for strategic business planning.
  • Data-Driven Decision Making – Provides crucial data for informed pricing, inventory, and marketing decisions.
  • Market Insight and Product Research – Offers insights into trends and consumer preferences, aiding product research and growth opportunities.
  • Scalability – Supports business growth, accommodating increased volume and complexity without losing performance.
  • Enhanced Product Visibility – SEO and listing optimization improve ranking and visibility, increasing sales potential.
  • Competitive Pricing – Automatically adjusts prices to market conditions, ensuring competitiveness and profit maximization.
  • Inventory Optimization – Effectively manages stock levels, avoids overstocking and stockouts, and ensures consistent sales.
  • Better Customer Engagement – Enhances brand reputation and customer loyalty through efficient feedback and review management.


Key Features of Amazon Seller Tools

Choosing the right Amazon Seller Tool involves carefully assessing your business needs, budget, and the specific features that will benefit your operations. By taking the time to research and test different options, you can find tools that meet your current needs and also support future business growth.

Here are the key features of Amazon Seller Tools to look for:

  • Prioritize a user-friendly interface with easy navigation to avoid complexity and inefficiency.
  • Comprehensive analytics are essential for detailed sales insights, customer behavior, and market trends. 
  • Integrations with Amazon Seller Central, other marketplaces you may be selling on, and existing systems.
  • Inventory management capabilities for effective stock tracking and forecasting.
  • Automated, customizable pricing strategies and rules.
  • Listing optimization and SEO to enhance product visibility in search results.
  • Mobile compatibility to conveniently manage your business.
  • AI and machine learning features to find deep insights, automate at scale, and increase processing speeds.
  • Customer feedback management to track and respond to reviews.
  • Robust security features to protect business data.

Top 12 Best Amazon Seller Tools

1. Link My Books


Link My Books automates your Amazon bookkeeping, saving you time and money. It connects seamlessly with Amazon and your accounting software, auto-posting settlements, tracking COGS, and ensuring accurate tax reporting.

Best for: Accounting and revenue tracking

Price: 3 plans: Lite at $17/month, Pro at $29/month, and Premium at $56/month

Review: “Easy to use and works like magic in dealing with the accountancy for all Amazon marketplaces in all currencies.”

2. Noogata

Noogata Platform

Noogata’s AI-powered eCommerce competitive intelligence platform provides sellers with deep analytics on listing content, keywords, competitor activities, and Amazon’s digital shelf that can’t be found anywhere else. Its AI Amazon Assistant simplifies insight discovery, and guides your team with strategic recommendations and digital shelf tools to increase revenue growth.

Best for: Amazon analytics and AI Amazon Assistant

Price: Free demo, with pricing by request

Review: “You can identify areas where your competitors are succeeding and learn from them, as well as areas where they are struggling and avoid making the same mistakes.”

3. SmartScout

SmartScout Platform

SmartScout’s tool helps arbitrage and wholesale sellers discover brands and products. Key features include brand filters, profitability calculators, traffic graphs, a historical product database, and a UPC scanner. 

Best for: Amazon arbitrage and wholesale

Price: 4 tiers, starting at $25/month for Basic, up to Enterprise by inquiry.

Review: “The price list from the distributor can be analyzed within 1 minute.”

4. PixelMe


PixelMe helps sellers attract and entice potential customers to their Amazon listings from elsewhere online. It provides features that create stunning visuals, run targeted ad campaigns, and track user engagement with embedded pixels.  

Best for: External traffic

Price: Begins at $400/month for 2 ASINs

Review: “PixelMe helps me retarget Amazon prospects.”

5. SoStocked

SoStocked Platform

SoStocked offers comprehensive inventory services with features like real-time stock tracking, demand forecasting, multi-location management, and automated restocking alerts, ensuring efficient inventory control and prevention of stockouts or overstocking.

Best for: Inventory management

Price: Starts at $158/month for up to 1000 orders

Review: “I can ship by ocean and a little bit by air to keep in stock.”

6. ZonGuru


ZonGuru’s AI-powered listing optimization features include ChatGPT-4 to find the top keywords for any Amazon category, and then rewrite or auto-generate listings using that data. It also has Optimization and Listing Strength scoring to compare your listings versus Amazon’s algorithm.    

Best for: Listing optimization

Price: 3 levels – Researcher at $29/month, Seller at $40/month, and Enterprise by inquiry.

Review: “The marriage between great Tech and AI makes this the best listing optimizer on the market.”

7. Threecolts


An eCommerce management suite encompassing eighteen tools, Threecolts is unique among all-in-one solutions. Standout features for Amazon sellers include ExportYourStore, which allows multichannel feed management, and SellerBench, a profit recovery platform.

Best for: Marketplace management  

Price: Variable pricing depending on app usage

Review: “It’s enough to say that, across the board, Threecolts’ offerings are easily in league with the best of all ecommerce tools.”

8. Trellis

Trellis Platform

Trellis is an AI-enabled eCommerce advertising tool that features automated campaigns and optimized placement for Amazon and Walmart ads. It also includes dynamic programming, smart budgeting, ASIN and keyword harvesting, and full-funnel targeting. 

Best for: Advertising and PPC management  

Price: Begins at $299/month and up, based on revenue levels.

Review: “Trellis is an affordable AI software we’ve used to help us run our Amazon ad campaigns more efficiently.”

9. CamelCamelCamel


CamelCamelCamel’s website and browser extension offer Amazon sellers advanced price tracking features, including historical price data, price drop alerts, and market trend analysis to aid in strategic pricing and competitive positioning.

Best for: Price tracking 

Price: Free

Review: “I was easily able to search for specific products and compare prices.”

10. Helium 10


Helium 10 is an all-in-one Amazon management tool known for its product research capabilities. Features include market trend analysis, niche identification, profitability estimation, and the Black Box and X-Ray tools.

Best for: Product research

Price: 3 plans – Starter at $29/month, Platinum at $79/month, and Diamond at $229/month.

Review: “It helped to filter out items that are doing better than others, which is helpful when doing product research.”

11. RepricerExpress


24/7 automated repricing and flexible pricing strategies are key selling points of RepricerExpress. It boasts real-time price adjustments, competitor analysis, and rule-based algorithms to maintain your competitive edge and maximize profits.

Best for: Pricing/Repricing

Price: 4 tiers, ranging from $85 to $1249 monthly.

Review: “It updates our prices regularly so we are always on top and winning the buy boxes.”

12. Feedback Whiz

Feedback Whiz

Feedback Whiz offers essential review management features, including automated email feedback requests, review tracking, instant notifications for new reviews, and tools for responding to customer feedback efficiently.

Best for: Review and feedback management

Price: Email and Amazon review request automation plans range from $20-$140 monthly.

Review: “It helps me get more product reviews and improve seller feedback by automating email campaigns.”

Grow Your Sales with Amazon Seller Tools

From streamlining your operations to unlocking new insights into the market, Amazon Seller Tools elevate your Amazon selling experience. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to refine your existing strategy, this list is your starting point toward mastering the art of selling on Amazon. These tools empower sellers with the capabilities to grow their business effectively and sustainably in the marketplace.

Noogata is the world’s first dedicated eCommerce AI designed to grow your Amazon sales and market share. Built for global CPGs, leading digital brands, and growing Amazon sellers, it enables eCommerce professionals to quickly take action and outperform the competition with actionable AI-powered insights.

Try a free demo today to discover how Noogata has grown CPGs and digital brands with over $250 million in sales.

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