How the Barbie brand dominated Amazon’s digital shelf

In the Summer 2023, people will remember when planet earth was living in a ‘Barbie world’. While the “Barberheimer” trend took social media and even mainstream media by storm, it’s the Barbie brand that continues to make headlines and is almost impossible to miss. The Barbie brand committed to hundreds of domestic and global partnerships […]

The Five-Step Guide For Growing Amazon Sales with AI

How AI improves Amazon digital shelf performance and growth strategies for CPGs and digital brands. According to reports, over 75% of eCommerce businesses are planning to implement AI into their daily workflow. That’s why in the near future, performance and data-driven professionals will be the ones that will achieve greater success by utilizing the potential […]

eCommerce Dashboard Fatigue and What You Can Do About It

In the fast-paced world of eCommerce, the ability to make data-informed decisions quickly and decisively is critical for growth. Competition is fierce, and shifting changes in consumer behavior must all be considered for sellers to stay ahead of the curve. Many eCommerce players are facing a new and growing challenge – too much data is […]

The Year to Embed AI for Business Success

A few weeks into my role as CRO and GM of the Americas at Noogata, the excitement, challenges, and learnings aren’t slowing down! A big part of my enjoyment of this role is because, as I knew when I joined, Noogata is transforming how people in positions like mine (sales, marketing, operations, finance, and even […]

From Neuroscience to AI

From neuroscience to AI – revelling in the replication of neural networks in AI solutions 

Scaling Enterprise AI (pt 2): No-Code AI Principles – Noogata

In my previous post, I looked at the difficulty in scaling enterprise AI using AutoML platforms to develop proprietary models. We concluded that this approach typically ran into two main challenges – the time taken to implement models and the difficulty maintaining focus on business outcomes. The conclusion pointed towards an alternative approach – using […]

Scaling enterprise AI (part 1): challenges with AutoML

AutoML platforms are a tempting proposition for any organization with in-house teams of data scientists looking to develop AI/ML models. Such platforms have provided a fertile sandbox to speed the development of proprietary AI/ML models. However, alternative approaches are now making AI/ML even easier to deploy and directly accessible to business users with little technical […]

AI for RevOps

A key success factor for RevOps is the ability to drive operational agility and provide customer-facing sales, marketing, and service executives with greater autonomy over their analytics and workflows.