Amazon 1P vs 3P: Which Is Right for You?

Amazon 1P vs 3P: Which Is Right for You?

The Amazon marketplace is vast and full of potential for sellers, but finding success means making smart choices from the start. One critical decision is whether to become a 1P (first-party) or 3P (third-party) seller. 1P vendors sell their items directly to Amazon, which then resells them to shoppers. In contrast, 3P sellers use Amazon […]

12 Amazon Keywords Tips that Increase Sales

12 Amazon Keywords Tips that Increase Sales

Millions of products from millions of sellers compete for attention on Amazon. Without the right keywords, your product listings are invisible to potential customers, buried in the depths of the marketplace. Failing to optimize your keyword strategy can mean missed opportunities, lost sales, and a significant dent in your profitability.  Keywords are the backbone of […]

An Insider’s Guide to Ecommerce Market Intelligence

An Insider’s Guide to Ecommerce Market Intelligence

Picture this: you’ve just launched a new online store selling trendy phone cases. You’ve invested heavily in a sleek design, unique products, and eye-catching marketing. But sales are trickling in. Customers are abandoning their carts, your ad campaigns aren’t converting, and the competition seems miles ahead. What went wrong? The answer could lie in missed […]

Noogata Appoints Leading Ecommerce Expert To Help CPGs

Noogata Appoints Leading eCommerce Expert To Help CPGs

Discover the Power of Growth-Focused AI Insights Edo Sacca serves as the Strategic Advisor for Noogata, an Amazon intelligence and growth platform providing AI insights, competitor intelligence and tools to help brands grow sales. Tel Aviv, Israel, March 18, 2024 – Noogata, the Amazon AI growth platform, recently appointed Edo Sacca, previously Head of Business […]

Amazon Seller Tax Information: Everything You Need to Know

Amazon Seller Tax Information: Everything You Need to Know

Amazon has made it easy for independent sellers to launch an eCommerce store and connect with Amazon’s massive customer base, and many sellers are raking in big profits. Few things are as exciting as watching a business you’ve started succeed and grow, but maintaining that success requires attention to some not-so-exciting details—like paying the taxes […]

What is Amazon Sales Rank, and 5 Pro Tips to Improve Yours

What is Amazon Sales Rank, and 5 Pro Tips to Improve Yours

Here’s a scenario all too familiar to Amazon sellers. You’ve launched a new, innovative line of eco-friendly water bottles on the marketplace. But despite their high quality and competitive pricing, your products are buried under pages of listings from established brands.  Sales are stagnant because potential customers can’t find your products amidst the sea of […]

11 Pro Tips Proven to Increase Your Amazon Sales

11 Pro Tips Proven to Increase Your Amazon Sales

Let’s face it: if you’re an active Amazon seller in today’s marketplace, you’re more than aware of the intense competition. With approximately two million sellers fighting to get a share of the over $500 billion in sales revenue generated in the marketplace, it seems intimidating, and the content you read makes it seem like a […]

8 Top Amazon Sales Analytics Tools for 2024

8 Top Amazon Sales Analytics Tools for 2024

Amazon has become one of the most accessible and lucrative entry points for independent merchants wanting to enter the eCommerce game. It’s never been easier to join the Amazon Marketplace as a third-party seller and pitch your products to millions of potential customers. More than 60% of Amazon’s sales come from independent sellers, with each […]

How to Get Ready for Prime Big Deal Days 2023

How to Get Ready for Prime Big Deal Days 2023

Most holidays only come around once per year, but Prime Day happens whenever Amazon says it happens. For only the second time in history, Amazon is declaring Prime Day in October. This is a second chance for Amazon sellers to boost their sales by offering great deals to Prime subscribers. Prime Days are a big […]

Top 10 Order Management Systems for eCommerce

Top 10 Order Management Systems for eCommerce

In eCommerce, you develop exceptional products, dream up brilliant marketing campaigns, and build strong relationships with loyal customers. You also get to spend a lot of time processing and fulfilling orders. That might be less exciting, but getting this critical part of your operations right is just as important as the more creative aspects of […]