How the Barbie brand dominated Amazon’s digital shelf

In the Summer 2023, people will remember when planet earth was living in a ‘Barbie world’. While the “Barberheimer” trend took social media and even mainstream media by storm, it’s the Barbie brand that continues to make headlines and is almost impossible to miss. The Barbie brand committed to hundreds of domestic and global partnerships […]

The Death of Dashboards and Rise of eCommerce AI

The Death of Dashboards and Rise of eCommerce AI

Dashboards have been widely used and valued for visualizing and communicating data for many years. They were the primary tool organizations relied on to make significant amounts of data accessible to humans. Even today, data and BI teams spend significant time building dashboards to meet the diverse demands of stakeholders who require different representations of […]

9 Ways to Optimize Amazon Advertising Campaigns

9 Ways to Optimize Amazon Advertising Campaigns

The competition in the Amazon marketplace is fierce. If your eCommerce brand is one of the two million third-party sellers fighting for sales, you must know how to use Amazon to gain traffic and rise in the rankings—and that means creating Amazon ad campaigns that convert.  Consider that Amazon’s net marketplace sales for 2022 reached […]

The Five-Step Guide For Growing Amazon Sales with AI

How AI improves Amazon digital shelf performance and growth strategies for CPGs and digital brands. According to reports, over 75% of eCommerce businesses are planning to implement AI into their daily workflow. That’s why in the near future, performance and data-driven professionals will be the ones that will achieve greater success by utilizing the potential […]

Demystifying Competitive Intelligence for eCommerce

Demystifying Competitive Intelligence for eCommerce

By 2024, experts predict the eCommerce industry to reach sales of almost $7 trillion globally. But even with the tremendous growth forecasted, competition is fierce, with new players entering the market every day.  How can your eCommerce business keep up with constantly evolving market trends, consumer needs, new marketplaces, technologies, and of course, your competition?  […]

eCommerce Dashboard Fatigue and What You Can Do About It

In the fast-paced world of eCommerce, the ability to make data-informed decisions quickly and decisively is critical for growth. Competition is fierce, and shifting changes in consumer behavior must all be considered for sellers to stay ahead of the curve. Many eCommerce players are facing a new and growing challenge – too much data is […]

7 Non-Skippable Steps to the Online Customer Journey

7 Non-Skippable Steps to the Online Customer Journey

There are many ways to measure an eCommerce venture’s success, but nothing matters nearly as much as conversions. That magic moment when a shopper turns into a customer is the only thing that directly increases your bottom line and proves that your efforts are paying off. The key to growing a lucrative eCommerce business is […]

10 Essentials for a Lucrative Digital Brand Strategy [with Examples]

10 Essentials for a Lucrative Digital Brand Strategy [with Examples]

The traditional model of the brick-and-mortar store has faced disruption due to the pandemic and resulting financial crisis, leaving consumer brands struggling to figure out how to build awareness and relevance. As many brick-and-mortar stores are looking to shift to eCommerce, and new eCommerce companies decide to have only a digital brand, it’s become clear […]

CPG Marketing: 9 Growth Hacks to Outperform eCommerce Competition

CPG Marketing: 9 Growth Hacks to Outperform eCommerce Competition

Effective CPG marketing is all about making that special connection between products or brands and consumers. These products we use daily make our lives more comfortable and enjoyable. As a brand manager or Amazon marketing professional, it’s your job to ensure those products reach the people who need them most. But let’s be honest – […]

Top 10 Digital Shelf Analytics Software

Top 10 Digital Shelf Analytics Software

What would happen if a physical retail store let its shelves fall into chaos? Imagine inconsistent pricing, products out of stock, and hard-to-navigate displays. Customers would undoubtedly take one look around, turn on their heels, and run out of there.  The same thing happens with online shopping experiences—you’ll quickly lose customers if you fail to […]